Joya 50: Gracias, Panchita

The history of Joya de Nicaragua is deeply intertwined with the history of its people. Luckily, these people are still around or even working at JDN after 50 years. Just like the case of our beloved Panchita, she’s been part of the Joya family for the entire time the factory has been in operation.
“My life,” she says, simply. “This place is my life. These people are my family.”
Panchita has witnessed first hand the struggles of Nicaragua and the factory, revolutions, a gunned down factory and more. She’s one of JDN’s founding workers and today’s chief of quality control.
Joya 50 ad campaign
Our people are not mere collaborators. They are the force that has driven Joya de Nicaragua and at times literally kept it on its feet. Without them, the five decades of the Nicaraguan cigar industry would not be possible.
We feel the need to honor and most importantly share their anecdotes. This is why we have also launched ad campaigns showing your appreciation:
What do you think of our #Joya50 ad campaign? Have you ever met any of our historic workers? Let us know in the comment section below.