An exclusive Joya de Nicaragua cigar for connoisseurs in Asia!

For the past few years Nicaraguan cigars, and Joya de Nicaragua in particular, have introduced a new dimension of cigar enjoyment for connoisseurs in Asia. As a result, a deep connection between Asian and Nicaraguan cultures has begun to forge.
This year, in partnership with Hong Kong-based Cigraal, we are making this evolution more exciting for smokers in Asia. We are launching our first regional limited edition exclusively for the Asian market: Cuatro Cinco-Edición Asia.
Cuatro Cinco Edición Asia
Utilizing the Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial blend, this East Asian exclusive cigar revolves around Pixiu, a Chinese hybrid mythical creature believed to be a protector and wealth promoter.
The Pixiu is a figure ever-present in powerful and grandiose feats of victory in battle. It represents the values of courage and resilience that are common between our Nicaraguan and Asian cultures.
“This is not about cultural appropriation. On the contrary, is an expression of cultural interconnection and profound friendship. We want to share with Asian connoisseurs one of our cigars we feel the proudest of. And with it, all the positive things Pixiu and the Chinese Lucky Clouds can give them and us.” – Juan Ignacio Martínez, Executive President at Joya de Nicaragua.
Digital Launch
On May 6th, our very own Juan Martínez hosted a live-streaming on JDN’S Instagram account with our dear friend Eric Piras. Eric is the founder of Cigraal, Joya de Nicaragua’s exclusive distributor for China, Hong Kong, Macau and Vietnam.
For about an hour, they talked about how this collaboration came to be. After that, they answered questions from our friends from over the world! Without a doubt, it was a great experience that we hope to repeat any time soon.
We invite cigar lovers to join the online celebration. Follow us on our social media channels and be part of it!